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China and Japan in the Late Meiji Period

来源:网络来源作者:Urs Matthias Zachmann 2009/09/15

    The first war between China and Japan in 1894/95 was one of the most fateful events, not only in modern Japanese and Chinese history, but in international history as well. The war and subsequent events catapulted Japan on its trajectory toward temporary hegemony in East Asia, whereas China entered a long period of domestic unrest and foreign intervention. Repercussions of these developments can be still felt, especially in the mutual perceptions of Chinese and Japanese people today. However, despite considerable scholarship on Sino-Japanese relations, the perplexing question remains how the Japanese attitude exactly changed after the triumphant victory in 1895 over its former role model and competitor.

    This book examines the transformation of Japan’s attitude toward China up to the time of the Russo-Japanese War (1904/5), when the psychological framework within which future Chinese-Japanese relations worked reached its erstwhile completion. It shows the transformation process through a close reading of sources, a large number of which is introduced to the scholarly discussion for the first time. Zachmann demonstrates how modern Sino-Japanese attitudes were shaped by a multitude of factors, domestic and international, and, in turn, informed Japan’s course in international politics.

    nichinichi shinhun, armament expansion, nichinichi shinbun, Sino-Japanese War, East Asia, The Hundred Days Reform

    1. China in the Tokugawa and Early Meiji Period
    2. The Sino-Japanese War, the Tripartite Intervention, and Japan’s "Postwar Management"
    3. The Far Eastern Crisis of 1897/98
    4. The Hundred Days Reform, 1898
    5. The Boxer Incident and Beyond.

    Between Japans victory over China in the first Sino-Japanese war and its victory over Russia ten years later fundamental changes took place in the East Asian realm—changes in the Japanese publics image of itself and its position in the world and in its stance toward a weakened and increasingly marginalized China, changes in how the Western powers viewed China and Japan and how China and Japan in turn viewed the West. Building his narrative around key events from the troubled interwar decade, Matthias Zachmann presents a revealing picture of how these changes evolved, the inner tension among Japanese motives at different junctures, and such inherently slippery notions as pan-Asianism, what it meant to be civilized, to engage in war, or for a stronger country to adopt a stance of friendship toward a weaker one. The perspectives developed in this book, often psychologically informed, deepen our understanding of Sino-Japanese relations leading up to the Pacific War; they also shed light on the far less unequal relationship that has emerged between China and Japan in more recent years.
- Paul A. Cohen Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies Harvard University, USA

    A hundred years ago, Japan emerged as a major power. Today China is fast asserting its influence in the world arena. How a non-Western nation defines its identity and destiny is a question that has serious implications for the West as well as for other countries. The ways in which Japan’s political and intellectual elites argued about the nature and direction of national policy at the turn of the twentieth century and the choices they made, as Matthias Zachmann skillfully traces them, were to have fateful consequences for East Asia and the wider world. The book will not only serve as an excellent introduction to that story but also offer clues to understanding contemporary Chinese domestic and foreign affairs.
- Akira Iriye, Harvard University, USA

  Urs Matthias Zachmann is Assistant Professor at the Japan Centre of the University of Munich (LMU), Germany

书名:China and Japan in the Late Meiji Period: China Policy and the Japanese Discourse on National Identity, 1895-1904
副书名: China Policy and the Japanese Discourse on National Identity, 1895-1904
丛书名:Routledge/Leiden Series in Modern East Asian History and Politics
作者:Zachmann, Urs Matthias
出版社:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Ltd





